9:30-9:50 | Introduction and get together | |
9:50-10:20 | Teaching team | |
10:25-10:45 | Discussions in rooms (small groups) | |
10:45 -11:15 | Presentations of small groups+ tutor’s routine | |
11:15-12:15 | Correction of exercises | Task 1 |
12: 15-13:00 | Lunch break | |
13:00-1530 | On-line simulations | Task 2 |
15:30-16:00 | Questions/discussion/feedback |
Before the training all the participant are asked to fulfil the following tasks:
Task 1
Correct and evaluate the examples of problems solved by the students.
Task 2
During the training everyone will be asked to simulate a tutorial. Please, prepare a simple problem on your choice which solution you will explain during on-line session. You can use whiteboard (MSTeams tools) or prepare 1-2 slides with the solution. The participant will simulate the audience following different scenarios.